Today is April 1st. And all Spencer-efficinados out there should know... TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY! And yes, this means, I'm officially TWO!
And do you know what birthdays mean? Ooooohhhh yea! BALLOONS!
And Mommy and Daddy just happened to supply them!
They are lots of fun. Daddy got me an Elmo balloon. Mommy got me Elmo, Big Bird and Cookie Monster! ...or was it the other way around? Hmm...
They always try to float away. Then mommy and daddy have to go get them. Then they float away again...
Ideally, since Mommy and Daddy gets them for me, I can just cuddle up with Mommy and save me the time...
Kiss the balloon or kiss Mommy? That is the question... Of course, I'm kissing the BALLOONS!
Now on to the rest of my prezzies! What did YOU send me?!?