Monday, November 30, 2009

Walking in the Fall...

Going outside in the autumn means two things. First, is lots of pretty colors! The best ones were weeks ago, but some still linger even now as the first snows threaten...

And second, autumn means it is silly hat season. Kipping in my stroller in the chilly weather is difficult. With this silly hat, I really wish people wouldn't look at me so much!

Sure, "Oh, how cuuuute!" is what they say. But I've learned they're laughing at my silly hat. They're really saying "the poooor little Cossack behind my back!

Thanksgiving Photos!

As promised, a bunch of photos from my trip to Minnesota! I figured I'd start with Thanksgiving, as a number of people came specifically to meet little old me! I was, by far, the cutest one there...though Princess Rion was kinda amusing as well!

First off, I met Moe. He was cool and very smiley and made me laugh. I even offered for him to share my pacifier, but he politely refused.

After that, I met Delores. She kept saying how she put little babies to sleep, but she just made me smile!

Next up was Eileen from across the street.

She had mega-cool hair!

Then there was Evan and Rion.

And finally, there was Evil Uncle Bruce who made me cry!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

What to do after a Looooong drive

... that's easy. Hang out at the house all day!

And, of course, look my usual "cute" and "playful" while doing it. It is very important to look cute and playful. It's rule #1 of being Spencer!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Another Tooth!

It's now official! I'm a FOUR TOOTHED WONDER!
So, if I bite you, you'll really know it now!

Mommy Time!

We're on the way back from Grandma's house today. You know the old song...
Over the River
and Through Wisconsin
Back to Illinois we go!

I-94 knows the way
To carry the cars
Which are so boring to just sit in for an entire day!
So with that in mind, I figured I'd post a few shots of mommy and the really fun playtime I have with her most every morning! Like, a shot of me flying!

...knocking over a tower of blocks...

...hanging out with "Widdle Face"...

...or just hanging at the park in my silly Winter hat...

Friday, November 27, 2009

A New Direction

The four cardinal directions have traditionally been "North", "South", "East" and "West". Well, I've decided to do something about that. No longer will there be any "South", it will hereby be referred to as "Spencer". Yup. South has been terminated, and Spencer has replaced it!

Ducks now fly Spencer for the winter. California is in the Spencer-West of the United States. Someday, I hope to go to Spencer America! See, it all works just fine! And it is a bit of a laugh as well!

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Okay, I'm off at Grandma's place in Minneapolis today. It's COLD there. Daddy took me for a walk and I think my little nose froze! They let me chew on ice cubes from time to time, but, this is colder.... I'll post stuff from the trip next week when I get home!

But in other news, I'm now a three toothed wonder! My third tooth popped in last night!! Maybe with this, they'll let me eat turkey, mashed potatoes and stuffing!! Well, probably not, but I can hope...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What happens if...

....I push THIS button?

Weird. I didn't expect *THAT* at all!

It was a COW!

No, the prezzie in the end wasn't a ribbon.... or a box... or paper -- it ended up being a COW! Can you believe that? Four prezzies all wrapped up into one giant thing! It took a bit of prompting from mommy to find it underneath all the other stuff!

It was great and tasted really nice as well. I immediately had a good chew on it...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It was MORE then a BOX!

Wow! I got the box open and inside, I discovered PAPER! And you know what? Paper bends and folds and makes these fantastic little crinkle crinkle noises. Every Spencer's dream is to have lots of paper.

It even makes a mess which Mommy or Daddy has to clean up, which makes paper all that much more perfect!

More Prezzie?!?

Wow! It turns out the ribbon wasn't actually the prezzie! Behind the ribbon was a cool box!

Boxes are so much fun to play with -- I highly recommend everyone get themselves a good box to bat around!

Monday, November 23, 2009

A Prezzie!

Mommy got me a Prezzie -- which, I guess, is English for present. It was bright and shiny and it was a long ribbon! It was so nice of her! First off, I got to pull on it and it got LONGER!

...and it tasted really nice too! I could just sit there and chew away on it all day!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

More Terminal Cuteness

Yes, more of me laughing away to get out of some sort of "trouble"...

Near Terminal Cuteness!

Whenever I'm doing things that annoy mommy and daddy, I've got a secret weapon! I call it "Near Terminal Cuteness." You see, when I decide I don't want to nap, I just smile and laugh and interact with the parental units and suddenly -- all is forgiven. I spend the morning screaming and complaining and making trouble? Smile, laugh and once again, I've re-established myself as the best little baby ever.

It's a very simple formula. I wonder how long I'll be able to get away with it!

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Ok, technically this isn't proper crawling -- but it's close and fairly effective! I figure I'll be walking soon, or more properly, running away from my parental units before they know it! But until then, a combination of scrinching, inching, pushing, pulling, and rolling all seems to do the trick!

Now if I could just get the remote control away from daddy I'd be set!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Story Time...

One of my favorite times is story time. But it is soooo much work. First, I have to pick out a book. I like ones with lots of cool shapes and lots of colors in them!
Then, I have to lug it across the floor to daddy...

And finally, I have to offer it up to him in an almost sacrificial manner for him to get a clue!

I think I should just go back to screaming until he gets the idea. It would be much, much easier! Mommy has more of a clue when it comes to books. I just have to laugh at her and she'll do whatever I ask!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Eraticating Q

My evil plan to eradicate U from the alphabet failed. After consulting with Elmo and Sesame Street, I seem to have an idea why. Q and U almost always go together, and without U, Q wouldn't be at all useful.

Then again, I don't quit. I don't quaff. I don't quote, quibble or quiver.I haven't a clue what quince is, or a quotient, query, quarry or a quorum is. So, this week, I shall eliminate Q!


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sippy Cup Time


Liquids don't come from a bottle or mommy...they also come from these things called "sippy cups!" And sippy cups are cool and blue and rather tasty, though, honestly, I think they are better playthings.

I think this means I'm getting bigger and closer to getting my driver's license!

I wonder what mommy will say when I get my license, other then, "GET OFF THE ROAD!"

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Family Portrait

While at the gardens, we took some cute pictures of me and mommy!

As well as a silly family portrait! Mommy says the silliness makes daddy look much, much better!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Botanical Gardens?

Can you believe that there are "Botanical Gardens" around the corner from me? Not that I'm sure what a Botanical is, mind you, but I'm sure I know what a garden is! I got to hang out with Cousin Rion and Evan and Uncle Bruce and Aunt Becky! They brought me lots of cool toys, so I'm happy about that. I like toys!

I think there were ducks there -- they kept me from sleeping! Mostly, though, it was just pretty things which I won't properly appreciate until I have a kid of my own!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Eat My Socks!

I saw the Simpson's the other day. And Bart said, "Eat My Shorts!" Well, I don't have shorts, but you can EAT MY SOCK!

Really. It is quite tasty!


Ok, this is just me bouncing. No, it isn't as cute as the Chicken video, but still, I figured I might as well do something with it!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Peter the Panda

Mommy got me a new toy. It's Peter the Panda! It's cute and fluffy, but best of all it rolls around on the floor and I can chase after him! He really likes my little ducky, however, he keeps mentioning "orange sauce"...?

What, Peter, 'tis this 'Orange Sauce' of which you speak?

The Word of the Day is...


Friday, November 13, 2009

Playing Around...

Well, obviously my evil plan to eliminate "U" failed. It showed up again today on the mat...but that was okay as I had a toy to play with. This one is nice 'cos it spins ... but mostly I like it 'cos it plays really silly music that annoys mommy and daddy!

So they foil my plan to remove "U" from the alphabet, but I get my maniacal music instead! Fair trade, if you ask me...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Giant Elmo

I met this giant Elmo today. He was red and soft and furry like my other Elmos! But he was big. Big. BIG. Very BIG. So big that I probably could not chew on his eyeballs (which happens to be the best tasting part of an Elmo. I should know, I've sucked on just about all of mine!)

Sadly, he didn't go home with me. I just got a Peter the Panda.