I figure that once you get to be my age, life starts getting more complicated. It wasn't that long ago my world was merely what I could reach from wherever mommy or daddy put me. Now, I've got numerous other issues to deal with -- ranging from my hair to maximizing play time. And I always have to look good for the camera; I'd hate anyone to think I slack off. Take this past weekend. I have numerous photo appearances to schedule and look my best.
For example, eating Cheerios in a dramatic light...
The regular "Oi! Put that stoopid camera down and PLAY WITH ME!" look...
Then there is the infameous, "No, I'm not about to climb on the table face!" which always seems to work, meaning, yes, I *can* climb on the table!
The "I definitely didn't do THAT!" face!
Of course, I probably *did* do that ... but I figure I can blame Elmo most of the time for my transgressions. After all, I'm *much* cuter then Elmo, and he's so nice he'd almost certainly take the fall for me!
And that's just Saturday Morning! I've got a bath, a nap, a run around, shopping ... What a busy life!