Saturday, April 30, 2011

A few photos...

Just to close out April, again, here are a few photos from the past couple of months that really didn't fit anywhere else!

Coke?  It just tastes like AIR!

AAaaaarrrrr!  Elmo and Piiiirate Spencer enjoy the show!

Directing the Phineas and Ferb Orchestra with the television in the background!

Are we going to arrive at lunch SOON?!?

...what do you mean, the train is gone?

Friday, April 29, 2011


This is a while ago now, but here is me being upset.  You can tell -- I won't let daddy put me down!  

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A few photos from hanging out around the house -- after all, I'm here quite a lot these days!  I'm looking forward to Nursery School in the fall, but until then, I get to be my usual little terror.  So, here are a some photos from the past few weeks!

Wahoo! I was watching a football.... er, soccer match and my team scored!  Mind you, I don't know who my team actually is yet, so whoever scored was clearly on my team.  Daddy says "I hope its not Manchester United..." 

Aren't I mega-cute? These are now my *old* pajamas, I've got new ones!  They are green, and for kids aged 2, like me!  Mommy says they look me look a frog with lose skin. 

Isn't that *my* camera?  I think it is!!

Whatever it is I'm about to do, I didn't do it!  Honest!  Or, if I just did something, I didn't!!  Really!!

Watching Elmo with no pants!  I highly recommend it -- pants are over-rated!

Oh, and for those of you in British-speaking places, I don't mean pants as in underwear, I mean pants as in trousers.  I just don't like the word "trousers"; it's too hard to say!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What To Do Before Breakfast...

What does one do on a lazy Saturday morning?  Well, obviously -- I try and start by giving flowers to Mommy!

I should probably mention that I stole them off the table in the first place, as someone had put them there in a position that had appeared to be out of my reach.  Alas, it wasn't ... so I had to go get them.  At least I didn't completely destroy them, so I should get some credit!!

Guard the kitchen against any stray sausages that may wander on through after having escaped from a grill...


And hope nobody is watching!

Monday, April 25, 2011


When it comes to eating, I'm a very particular eater.  You can give me 20 different things, but I'll only want to eat precisely one of them!  The others?  Well, they end up on the floor, being thrown at mommy and daddy, and eventually they disappear into a shiny round bin!

But I digress.  What I do want to eat, I am usually quite civilized about.  Here, I'm demonstrating my ability to eat Peas and Corn -- one of my favorites -- using the proper utensil.  Well, almost the proper utensil -- they don't give me knives yet!

Yummy yummy yummy!  Since I'm not touching the hamburger, I don't even need my fork for this meal!

Tomorrow, I might be kind enough to demonstrate how to eat pasta!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Ok, time to post some of the miscellaneous photos that otherwise I have no idea what I'd do with.  So, welcome to April's edition of "Cute-Fest!"  Though, this time, I seem to have gone for the slightly more dramatic side of cute, like here, at the park, watching a train!

 ...Which, I had to point out to daddy as he refused to take a picture of it for me!

But there is the "I'm hanging around and want to play ball!" look.  It works on Daddy at 7:00am on a Saturday morning surprisingly well!

Then my favorite.  Here I am, practicing for "Dancing with the Stars!"  I'm doing a modern, interpretative piece to the theme from Elmo.  I call it "Where's My Milk?"

Finally, this is one of my favorites.  I call it, "I Can't Hear You!"  I use it regularly when they tell me to "clean it up!", or "Time to brush your teeth!" and the like...

Sadly, it doesn't seem to work very well...

Friday, April 22, 2011


Speaking of a Mexican Jumping Bean on Caffeine, I also do a kangaroo imitation as well!  I'm a very good jumper; and bouncing is one of my favorite things!  I'm a regular little Tigger!

Rumors that my top is made out of rubber and my bottom is made out of springs is probably a little far-fetched.  I'm just that energetic!


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Couch Time!

While most of the time I'm bouncing around the couches like a Mexican Jumping Bean on Caffeine, every now and again I'll just take a bit of time, sit down properly and let someone take a photo of me!  It's not often, mind you ... but it just has to be done...

Who knows ... maybe I'll even let you take another one!

Ok, that's enough!  Time to go run around again!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Silly Shoes!

Look at these really silly shoes!  They belong to Mommy, and they have a kitty on them!!

Very silly shoes!  Shoes shouldn't have cats on them!!!

I even had to scold mommy on the cats.   And what were they doing on my feet?  That is a big question and some parental unit will have to answer for that some day!

What?  Nothing to say??

Well, ok then ... just remember -- I'm the one who can keep you awake at nights!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Elmo Attack!

I was attacked by a mega-cute Elmo!  He attacked me with his cuteness!  AAARGH!!!

And this time, he was even on my feet!  Not just a cute little red guy, but now a pair of shoes as well!

Wahoo!  I've liberated myself from one of the Elmos!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Basket Case

I discovered a new play place -- Mommy's Laundry Basket!  Normally, it's filled with ...well ... clothes.  But today?  It's filled with SPENCER!

And a few toys.  They are very important.  I particularly like them...  I've become quite good at throwing it as well!

But alas ... all good playtime must come to an end!

And to that end, I'm off -- escaping my bonds and off to find the next thing to play with!

Daddy's camera, anyone?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Nap Time!

This is me, very very tired, and just crashing on the couch...

Please be quiet!  Do not disturb the sleeping Spencer!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Farmer Spencer Here!

Hey!  Look at these crazy overalls!  It makes me look like a farmer ... though, I don't have a tractor!  I definitely need a tractor if I'm going to dress like this on a regular basis!

So, with that in mind, I'm off to get a tractor and grow some broccoli!

Friday, April 15, 2011

It's Tax Day!

So, rather then going on about everything, I figure I should just give you something relaxing and fun to look at...  Flowers (and plants) from the Botanical Gardens!

See you tomorrow!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Botanical Gardens

On their latest visit, I also got to take Grandma and Grandpa to the Chicago Botanical Gardens!  It was a really neat place with lots of things to look at.  First, we wandered around the gardens!

Then, I was off to show them some really nice paintings!

Once that was done, it was off to the greenhouse where they have all sorts of tropical plants.  I took Mommy down some stairs, very carefully as I know she isn't that great on them!

At the bottom, I even was nice and posed for a picture with mommy.  She complains that I never pose for pictures.  This time I stood still for a whole 10 seconds!

Then we were off heading up the other side!  Yes, I am becoming The Stair Master!

We headed on home, wandering by more plants and more paintings....

If you head to Chicago, let me know -- I'll be sure to take you!