Monday, August 31, 2009

The perfect pose for the camera!

Do you think they'll get the message *this* time? I don't like my picture taken, ok?

Thank you, and have a nice day!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

A new chair?

I don't recall ordering a new chair... And I don't recall ordering one quite this big! Those parental things of mine once again did something strange. They picked me up, sat me down in this chair, strapped me in and made me a prisoner, once again, in my own home.

And then ... came the tray.

I could barely see what was going on! Here I am, just a little dude, strapped into a chair. I waited expectantly for *something* to happen...

Eventually, another toy appeared with lots of flashing lights. It blocked my view of the outside world completely. I'm convinced...this evil contraption is a place for mommy and daddy to put me when they want to escape!

Like, you think that's ever going to happen? NOT!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

A typical sortta day..

I spend quite a bit of time now just wriggling around on the floor, looking cute and the like. Every now and again, however, I even surprise myself. The crawling thing is almost happening -- I can wriggle across the ground to get a toy pretty well, and flip left or right onto my tummy (if given good reason, like, to annoy mommy and daddy). Mostly, though, I spend my days just hanging out waiting to get bigger and better (and of course, much, much cuter!)

Now if they would only take this bleepin' bib off of me, I'd be mega cute! Of course, I might have to learn to stop drooling first, but hey, I'm just a baby for Pete's sake...

Friday, August 28, 2009

A few more photos...

... of Nathan and Naomi from before they took off. They posed with mommy and a statue of a LION! I've got lots of pictures of lions around...

My favorite lion is this one picture in my crib. It's really cool, and nicely textured. I often stroke it while falling asleep at night due to its bumpy texture!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Yes, I've now graduated to solid food...

...which is really more mush. Well, a *very* liquidy mush. It's this cereal stuff, and while it isn't exactly the most exciting dish in the world, it's *my* first solids. Before now, I was never quite sure what I was missing when they ate ice cream... But now? Well, this sure beats plain milk. Add in that chocolate, all that sugar and cool flavors and I can't wait!

So, with that in mind ... Don't send love, SEND ICE CREAM!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Viewer Questions

A random viewer writes,

Why is it that so many of the photos of you have you sitting in the same blue chair?

Well, Random Viewer, the answer is simple. You see, the chair has these little safety clips and I haven't figured out how to undo them yet. If it wasn't for those complicated little childproof things, it'd be like, "FOOM!" and I'd be off to the nearest ice cream shoppe! Never mind the fact I can't walk yet; I'd hail a cab (I've seen daddy do that ... it can't be THAT tough).

I could also say 'cos mommy and daddy are too cheap to have a vast collection of little chairs for me! One blue chair and one swing clearly aren't enough places...

Another viewer writes,

Aren't you just the cutest thing? You're totally adorable!

Well, yes, I am the cutest thing. And I'm totally adorable, even when I'm throwing a tantrum! In the future though, if you'd like to emphasize it a bit, you can say "...the most cutest thing" or even "...the totally most cutest thing in the whole universe." Please, though, no comparison to furry or fluffy animals!

New Mat...

I got a new mat to crawl around on from Ikea. It has these pictures of roads and highways and cool things -- when I'm older, I'll even get to push around little cars around on it happily!

In the meantime, it is a great place to crawl. It makes me feel like King Kong, or Godzilla!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Napping with an Evil Monkey

A quick nap with an evil monkey...

After keeping mommy and daddy up all night crying due to teething, at least *somebody* should get some sleep around here!

Teething too!

Crawling, walking, and yes, now teething -- I get to chew on these cool plastic thingies that taste really good!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Me and a Ducky...

Some days are best spent hanging out with a duck. This one quacks, and that usually makes me laugh...

Shopping for Winter?


What 'tis this Winter I keep hearing about? Mommy and Daddy were looking at Winter stuff and mommy pulled out this hat. And put it upon thy head:

Now, I don't know what this Winter you speak of is, but if it involves silly hats like this, I don't think I'm going to like it one bit!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

More Cousin Photos...

Nathan and Naomi departed back to London yesterday. I was sad to see them go, but that said, I'm glad I won't have to endure any more Pokemon!

Nathan is a Pokemon addict. Every day, he watched Pokemon DVDs. He read Pokemon books. He wore Pokemon shirts. I'm sure glad nobody told him about a Pokemon cereal, otherwise, we'd be eating that 4 meals a day!

Personally, I liked watching his other favorite show -- Phinneas and Ferb. It makes me wish I had an older sister that I could play jokes on!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Cute feet!

And yes, they are mine!

Walking Practice

So, part of learning about the world is learning how to get around. Sure, I can't quite crawl properly, but I'm already working on the *next* thing -- WALKING! I like standing up with somebody supporting me. It allows me to look around and see things better!

Yesterday, I finally managed to stand for a period of time without anyone else helping me! Daddy put me in front of a stool, and I happily stood there for a few minutes with only Daddy ready to catch me when I fell. Which I didn't -- until I tried to take a step, at which time I fell down and went boom!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Playtime with Naomi!

I got to play with Naomi today! And Elmo, and a rattle, and Hello Kitty, and all sorts of things.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Cousin Naomi got a new kitty named "Hello Kitty" -- which is another thing that mommy goes on about all the time. I keep hearing, "if we had a giiirl, I could buy all this cute Hello Kitty crap for her!" So, Naomi gets all the Hello Kitty stuff that I would never want.

But she is sooooo kewt with the Hello Kitty kitty!

And I even got to shake Hello Kitty's hand! Mommy once met the real Hello Kitty in Japan at this place called Sanrio Land. But that's another tale I should leave for her...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Playing cousins...

Cousins like to go out and play. Nathan and Naomi get to go out and play with balls and planes and bubbles and the like. Me? I just get to sit and watch while they run around. When I'm older, maybe I'll get to play with these things!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

More Cousins?

Wow! I just found out I have even *more* cousins then just the two I met the other day. These two, Nathan and Naomi, showed up coming from someplace called "London" which I've heard soooo much about. Mommy keeps going on about the "Chips", the "Fish 'n' Chips", the "Chips", "Marks and Spencers" (A store named after *ME*!), the "Chips", the curry, the "Chips", and oh yea, the "Chips".

I've definitely got to try some of these "Chips" things! But I think ice cream comes first....

So after they settled in, we all went out for PIZZA! They got this deep dish thing at a place called "My Pie" that is just down the road. It looked tasty. Very tasty. They consumed this pizza and mommy had a sandwich. It looked good, but not nearly as good as the pizza. Nathan just ate crackers. He's not nearly as cool as Naomi 'cos she likes pizza!

I think my favorite foods are going to be pizza, ice cream and chips!

Friday, August 14, 2009

More Elmo!

Nobody is going to take my Elmo from me!

And really, he tastes good too! An Elmo a day keeps, well, me happy!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

My viewpoint...

Crawling around gives you a much, much different perspective on thing. Being the low man on the ground means you see everything much, much differently.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Cousin Rion gave me an Elmo. In fact, she gave me 5 Elmos -- I guess they must come in a set or something! I spent a couple evenings playing with Elmo -- cuddling him, throwing him, and I even once managed to kick him while I was sitting in my chair!

I really like his bright red color. He is soft and cuddly against my face. And he even tastes good as well!

Monday, August 10, 2009


I got to hang out with cousins Evan and Rion the other day.

Evan loves airplanes. I think he likes airplanes more then me! But Rion, on the other hand, paid lots of attention to me. She kept saying that Spencer belongs to Mommy. It was sooooo kewt!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

More Crawling...

I learned a new trick -- I can roll over, and I can almost roll back! And the times spent on my tummy are not quite as bad as, well, bath time -- but they are still pretty horrible. I can kick and roll my way around the place, so I'm now Daddy's "Low Roller". He sometimes adds in the phrase, "Bit Little" beforehand, but either way...

Mostly, though, I have this cute little mat I can play on while I crawl. It supports my tummy, so I don't have to do all the work. It has little fishies in it so I don't have to, well, go totally bored!

And the lovely blue color -- it matches my stripy little outfit! All the babies should be so cool!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Showing off...

Yea, even *I* get to show off sometime. In this case, my bulging biceps, my six pack and my stunning, flabby baby legs! It was a nice day, and I got to crawl around in nothing but my nappy ... er ... diaper to you Americans out there! It was kinda fun!

Maybe someday soon, I'll get to go swimming -- though, if it means getting wet, I probably will not enjoy it!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Ladybugs for Lunch

My favorite toy is now this ladybug thing. I once thought it was scary, but now I know better -- it is totally delicious!

It's got rings to suck on, arms to chew on, and so on. A little ketchup and I'd be set!

Monday, August 3, 2009

No Ice cream...

This weekend, the parental units were worse -- the didn't eat any ice cream in front of me. Instead, they took me to a doctor where I was vaccinated. 5 shots. Lots of pain.

I think I prefer it when they eat ice cream in front of me. I'm now 4 months old. No ice cream. Just shots. It's just not fair!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Learning to Crawl mk 2...

More "working" on this crawling thing. So I'm getting better at it, but still, what's the point? It's not like there's any ice cream if I make it to the refrigerator now, is there?

I didn't think so. I'm just learning how to crawl for some unknown reason.

I guess there are times when mommy isn't there to pick me up. And if I really want my toy ladybug or a rattle, it could be useful. But only if mommy or daddy isn't around!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

First Rainbows...

I went for a walk and saw a Rainbow!

And then I met a polar bear!

Now, anyone thinking ahead towards Christmas, polar bears are cute! Feel free to send me one!