Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Day at Grandma and Grandpa's!

Today was an adventure at Grandma and Grandpa's house! I arrived, was de-tinned from my little car seat, and was totally thrilled to see an entirely new environment to crawl around in!

I was off exploring after about 3 nanoseconds, looking at all the new things.

The kitchen was the most interesting place, with these wonderful smells of garlic and onions and ginger and other spices coming from it. I just had to get in there!

...but before I had a chance, Grandpa grabbed me and took me away!

Being deposited in the living room was far from ideal. So, I immediately took off back towards the kitchen!

Which again ended in failure. But at least Grandma let me dance on the table!

...and then she showed me how to bang on the doors! It made lots of loud, wonderful NOISE!

Also to note -- the last day of the year was a day for some major firsts! To start with, I ate a roasted parsnip. I got to chew on a whole big chunk of one. I followed that up with a nice roasted carrot. Grandpa knows how to cook tasty veggies! Daddy joked that the next time I willingly eat a parsnip or carrot, I'll be 24 so I should enjoy it! Then, when they were eating fruit in the living room, I pulled myself up on the table to a standing position and grabbed a piece of melon! It was delicious, and yes, I can now pull myself up!

By that point, it had been a loooong day. So I proceed to kip -- sleeping on Daddy. What a fun day!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

More Exploration!

The job of a little dude like myself is to explore. Head out into the big, wide open world and see everything I can possibly see. Sadly, I can't quite open the doors yet ... or traverse stairs, or use an elevator, so I'm usually limited to whatever room Mommy has plonked me down in!

But still ... off I go! I think I should get a little explorer's hat!!

Venturing into the kitchen usually finds interesting things, like a shiny floor and glowing refrigerator!

Particular favorites include anything I can get my little mits on! Here, I'm grabbing a towel that would make an excellent little play toy!

Naomi even offered to help me explore! Here, I'm telling her of my great adventures!! You can tell she is simply in awe...

Finally, back to the living room to explore the blinds.

And lastly, off to explore the sofa. If I could just get myself up a little bit more, I'd be set!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


My favorite game, played with daddy while mommy relaxes!

Peek-a-boo! I see you!!

Monday, December 28, 2009

A Wee Wii for a Wee Wii'er?

Mommy found herself a new toy -- it's called WII. I'm not sure what to make of it, after watching Nathan and Naomi dance around to it for literally HOURS last night! They would bounce to the music, even when they were not playing -- all quite entertaining to watch, yet, sadly lacking.

I grabbed the remote for the Wii, but it tastes like any other remote. I don't see what the value of it is!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Come to the Dark Side...

...we have Cookies! That is what Daddy says. So, I like the Dark Side 'cos I know I'll like cookies, but what do I get? These rusk biscuits. What's the point of being on the dark side if you don't get cookies?

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Silly Hats!

A strange thing ... Christmas seems to be "Silly Hat Day" as well. This I fail to understand...

And on top of it, I even had to make Mommy wear her silly hat! It took a bit of arm twisting (ok, yea, so I screamed until she did!) but eventually she did relent and wear her silly hat...

Photos Galore!

Ok, a few photos from yesterday! Like, me and Grandma!

And Grandma with all her other grand kids!

I think daddy was shouting "Chicken!" when that photo was taken... Then with Grandpa joining in! Though, without someone to wave and tell me where to look, I'm not particularly interested.

Me, with both of the grandparents!

...and then me with Grandpa.

Finally, I just had to make sure this prezzie wasn't for me. It was for Grandma!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day!

Wahoo! Lots of stuff was beneath the tree!

And much of it had MY name on it!

I finished up my prezzies and then had to go explore to see what everyone ELSE got! I started with Nathan. He got Legos. Lots of Legos. More Legos then I'd ever seen, including when I was at the toy store! There was "Power Miners", "Star Wars" and even "Sponge Bob Square Pants!"

I figured he didn't need all of them, so I tried to claim some for myself by telling him politely to BACK OFF and not touch the Legos I'd just liberated!

He didn't get the message, so I guess he gets to keep his Legos... THIS YEAR!

Next up was Naomi and her stuff! She got chocolate, which mommy wouldn't let me touch yet. And lots of "Hello Kitty!" stuff. I don't get this Hello Kitty.

Okay, I *did* try to knick the chocolate. Wouldn't you if you had to eat the gruel I do? Finally, it was back to play with my toys. My favorite was this racing motorcycle!

I also got some rattles, some puzzles and other cool things to play with!

Mommy says there is more stuff coming back home in Illinois. I'm looking forward to that! I just hope it has more chocolate then I got here...

Christmas Eve...

Twas the night before Chrimbo and all through the flat,
not a critter was stirring, except some guy in red wearing a hat!
The snow outside was annoyingly deep
Which explains why we probably never heard a peep!

It's been snowing in London. And Christmas time with snow is quite romantic. I can see myself next year, singing away, "I'm dreaming of a whiiiiiiite Christmas, just like the one I had last year..." That does, of course, assume I can talk by then. My current vocabulary is a bit limited to "Mamamamamamamama" and "Dadadadadada" and the occasional "Oi! I ordered a HAMBURGER!"

Oh, and the tree was lit in the living room with care,
with hopes that lots of toys would soon be there!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Santa is Coming!

I was told that Santa was coming tonight. So guess what? I just had to cheer! Almost as much had Brett Farve scored a touchdown for the Vikings!

I then got Nathan and Naomi together for a proper Christmas photo. I figured I could send it off to the Grandparents 'cos we kids are mega-cute!

(I'm the cutest one though!)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Mega Cuteness!

Yes, I went out and did some more exploring today. A big new place means lots and lots of exploring must be done!

But, there in the middle of my exploration, I found something that was totally mega cute! I couldn't believe how cute it was! It was almost as cute as me!

I was a bit perplexed. So I studied this cute thing for a while. Naomi joined me in staring at this mega cute little thing

But eventually, I just could not resist! I gave him a BIG KISS!

Imagine my embarrassment when I realized it was only my reflection! I was hoping it tasted like carrots!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Dark Side!

I've come over to the Dark Side. Not only do they have cookies, but they get to Eat R2D2!

I think he needs a bit of Catchup!